A good friend and workout buddy of mine, Olin, has in the past year become a huge evangelist for A.I. He has an excellent post on his corporate blog about why everyone needs to take this class. And I agree. It used to be that only a small group used computers to manage funds, now nearly every successful investor incorporates some level of quant screening into either the alpha or risk process. As those screen become more sophisticated, no doubt some level of A.I. will sneak in. Olin also makes an interesting observation about re-educating programmers to teach the computer. It reminds of my early days in the industry as a consultant working objects before they were ubiquitous. (I would argue that that they are still rarely used to their full potential.) I would spend a lot of time teaching quants to think less in a process-driven way and to program more naturally. Trust the computer handle lower-level tasks like iteration. Focus instead on tying solid economic theories to investment outcomes.